135 registered extensions available to explore

Showing of 135
ggQQunif Star

Make QQ plots for big data expected to be uniformly distributed, e.g. p-values.

stopauthor: rcorty

stoptags: visualization,quantiles,p-values,statistics,big data

stopjs libraries:

ggupset Star

Combination Matrix Axis for ‘ggplot2’ to Create ‘UpSet’ Plots

stopauthor: const-ae

stoptags: visualization,upset,combination matrix

stopjs libraries:

xmrr Star

Generate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data.

stopauthor: Alex Zanidean

stoptags: XmR, Visualization, Control Charts, QC, XBar

stopjs libraries:

gg3D Star

3D perspective plots for ggplot2

stopauthor: Daniel Acker

stoptags: 3D, Visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggQC Star

Use ggQC to plot single, faceted and multi-layered quality control charts .

stopauthor: Kenith Grey

stoptags: QC, XmR, XbarR, SixSigma, Visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggdist Star

‘ggdist’ provides stats and geoms for visualizing distributions and uncertainty.

stopauthor: mjskay

stoptags: visualization,uncertainty,confidence,probability

stopjs libraries:

ggedit Star

ggedit is aimed to interactively edit ggplot layers, scales and themes aesthetics

stopauthor: yonicd

stoptags: visualization, interactive, shiny, general,themes

stopjs libraries:

ggpage Star

Creates Page Layout Visualizations.

stopauthor: emilhvitfeldt

stoptags: visualization,text

stopjs libraries:

ggbreak Star

Set Axis Break for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: YuLab-SMU

stoptags: visualization, geoms

stopjs libraries:

ggimg Star

Graphics Layers for Plotting Image Data with ggplot2.

stopauthor: statsmaths

stoptags: visualization, geoms

stopjs libraries:

gganatogram Star

gganatogram makes it possible to visualise tissues for different organisms or cell compartments.

stopauthor: jespermaag

stoptags: anatograms, tissue, visualization, anatomy, expression, pharmacology

stopjs libraries:

ggforce Star

ggforce is aimed at providing missing functionality to ggplot2 through the extension system introduced with ggplot2 v2.0.0.

stopauthor: thomasp85

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggalt Star

A compendium of ‘geoms’, ‘coords’ and ‘stats’ for ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: hrbrmstr

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggiraph Star

htmlwidget to make ‘ggplot’ graphics interactive.

stopauthor: davidgohel

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggmuller Star

Creates Muller plots for visualizing evolutionary dynamics.

stopauthor: robjohnnoble

stoptags: visualization,evolution,dynamics

stopjs libraries:

ggstance Star

ggstance implements horizontal versions of common ggplot2 geoms.

stopauthor: lionel-

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggrepel Star

Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.

stopauthor: slowkow

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggraph Star

ggraph is tailored at plotting graph-like data structures (graphs, networks, trees, hierarchies…).

stopauthor: thomasp85

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

gginnards Star

Find, delete, insert and move plot layers. Delete unused variables from the data stored within a ggplot object. Dump data to the R console.

stopauthor: aphalo

stoptags: visualization,general,layer manipulation,debug

stopjs libraries:

ggpp Star

Plot annotations, data labels, plot insets, filter labels by local density (geoms, statistics, positions).

stopauthor: aphalo

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggpmisc Star

Model equation, line, residuals (lm, quantile, MA, rlm, etc.), P, F, AIC, BIC, n, correlation, ANOVA and summary tables, multiple comparisons, peaks and valleys, centroid, data labels.

stopauthor: aphalo

stoptags: visualization,statistics,general

stopjs libraries:

geomnet Star

geomnet implements network visualizations in ggplot2 via geom_net.

stopauthor: sctyner

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggExtra Star

ggExtra lets you add marginal density plots or histograms to ggplot2 scatterplots.

stopauthor: daattali

stoptags: histogram,marginal,density

stopjs libraries:

ggfortify Star

The unified interface to ggplot2 many popular statistical pakackage results.

stopauthor: terrytangyuan

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

autoplotly Star

Automatic generation of interactive visualizations for popular statistical results.

stopauthor: terrytangyuan

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries: plotly

gganimate Star

A Grammar of Animated Graphics.

stopauthor: thomasp85

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggfx Star

Pixel Filters for ‘ggplot2’ and ‘grid’

stopauthor: thomasp85

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

plotROC Star

plotROC provides functions to generate an interactive ROC curve plot for web use, and print versions.

stopauthor: sachsmc

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggbump Star

Bump Chart and Sigmoid Curves.

stopauthor: davidsjoberg

stoptags: visualization,general,geoms

stopjs libraries:

ggthemes Star

Some extra geoms, scales, and themes for ggplot.

stopauthor: jrnold

stoptags: visualization,general,themes

stopjs libraries:

ggspectra Star

Plot light-related spectra, peaks, valleys, half maximum, labels with summaries and colours from spectral data (autoplot, stats, geoms, scales).

stopauthor: aphalo

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggstatsplot Star

‘ggstatsplot’ provides a collection of functions to enhance ‘ggplot2’ plots with results from statistical tests.

stopauthor: IndrajeetPatil

stoptags: visualization,statistics

stopjs libraries:

ggnetwork Star

The ggnetwork package provides a way to build network plots with ggplot2.

stopauthor: briatte

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggtech Star

ggplot2 tech themes, scales, and geoms.

stopauthor: ricardo-bion

stoptags: visualization,general,themes

stopjs libraries:

ggradar Star

ggradar allows you to build radar charts with ggplot2.

stopauthor: ricardo-bion

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggx Star

A Natural Language Interface to ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: brandmaier

stoptags: visualization,nlp

stopjs libraries:

ggTimeSeries Star

This R package offers novel time series visualisations.

stopauthor: Ather-Energy

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggtree Star

gtree is designed for visualizing phylogenetic tree and different types of associated annotation data.

stopauthor: GuangchuangYu

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggseas Star

Seasonal adjustment on the fly extension for ggplot2.

stopauthor: ellisp

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggsci Star

A collection of ‘ggplot2’ color palettes inspired by scientific journals and science fiction TV shows.

stopauthor: road2stat

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggmosaic Star

ggmosaic implements mosaic plots in ‘ggplot2’ via geom_mosaic.

stopauthor: haleyjeppson

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

survminer Star

Drawing Survival Curves using ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: kassambara

stoptags: visualization,survival

stopjs libraries:

ggeasy Star

Easy Access to ‘ggplot2’ Commands

stopauthor: jonocarroll

stoptags: visualization,teaching

stopjs libraries:

ggside Star

Side Grammar Graphics

stopauthor: jtlandis

stoptags: visualization,correlation

stopjs libraries:

ggcorrplot Star

Visualization of a correlation matrix using ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: kassambara

stoptags: visualization,correlation

stopjs libraries:

ggpubr Star

‘ggplot2’ Based Publication Ready Plots

stopauthor: kassambara

stoptags: visualization,statistics

stopjs libraries:

ggthemr Star

Themes for ggplot

stopauthor: cttobin

stoptags: visualization,general,themes

stopjs libraries:

GGally Star

ggally extends ‘ggplot2’ by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data.

stopauthor: ggobi

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggseqlogo Star

Publication-ready sequence logos using ggplot2.

stopauthor: omarwagih

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggChernoff Star

Visualise multivariate data using human faces

stopauthor: Selbosh

stoptags: visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggridges Star

Ridgeline plot geoms for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: clauswilke

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

lemons Star

Repositioning legends and adding brackets to axes to ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: stenfanedwards

stoptags: visualization,brackets,axis

stopjs libraries:

cowplot Star

Streamlined plot theme and plot annotations for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: clauswilke

stoptags: visualization,general,themes

stopjs libraries:

qqplotr Star

Quantile-quantile and probability-probability plot extensions for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: almeidaxan

stoptags: quantile-quantile,probability-probability

stopjs libraries:

ggalluvial Star

A ‘ggplot2’ extension for alluvial diagrams.

stopauthor: corybrunson

stoptags: visualization,categorical,time series

stopjs libraries:

patchwork Star

Easy composition of ggplot plots using arithmetic operators

stopauthor: thomasp85

stoptags: visualization,composition

stopjs libraries:

ggquiver Star

Quiver/velocity plots for ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: mitchelloharawild

stoptags: visualization,quiver,velocity,vector

stopjs libraries:

ggsignif Star

Significance Brackets for ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: const-ae and IndrajeetPatil

stoptags: visualization,multiple comparisons

stopjs libraries:

ggdag Star

Causal directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in ggplot2

stopauthor: malcolmbarrett

stoptags: visualization,dags,inference

stopjs libraries:

ggformula Star

ggplot2 via formulas and pipes

stopauthor: rpruim

stoptags: visualization,general,interface

stopjs libraries:

ggbeeswarm Star

Create beeswarm plots, which avoids overlapping datapoints.

stopauthor: Erik Clarke and Scott Sherrill-Mix

stoptags: visualization, beeswarm, categorical

stopjs libraries:

ggperiodic Star

Automagically augment periodic data in ggplot2

stopauthor: eliocamp

stoptags: visualization,periodic

stopjs libraries:

ggpol Star

ggpol adds parliament diagrams and several other geoms to ggplot2.

stopauthor: erocoar

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggpirate Star

Pirate plots for ggplot2

stopauthor: mikabr

stoptags: visualization

stopjs libraries:

esquisse Star

Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively with ggplot2

stopauthor: dreamrs

stoptags: visualization,interface

stopjs libraries:

ggdark Star

Dark Mode for ggplot2 Themes

stopauthor: nsgrantham

stoptags: visualization,general,themes

stopjs libraries:

sugrrants Star

Supporting Graphs for Analysing Temporal Data with ggplot2.

stopauthor: earowang

stoptags: visualization,calendar,time-series

stopjs libraries:

tvthemes Star

ggplot2 Themes & Palettes from popular TV shows!

stopauthor: Ryo-N7

stoptags: visualization,general,palettes,themes

stopjs libraries:

ggfittext Star

ggplot2 geoms to fit text in a box

stopauthor: wilkox

stoptags: visualization,general,text

stopjs libraries:

ggparty Star

ggplot2 visualizations for the partykit package

stopauthor: martin-borkovec

stoptags: visualization,tree,partykit

stopjs libraries:

gggenes Star

ggplot2 geoms to draw gene arrow maps

stopauthor: wilkox

stoptags: visualization,general,genetics

stopjs libraries:

gggenomes Star

a grammar of graphics for comparative genomics

stopauthor: thackl

stoptags: visualization,genetics,genomics

stopjs libraries:

treemapify Star

Draw treemaps in ggplot2

stopauthor: wilkox

stoptags: visualization,general,treemap

stopjs libraries:

lindia Star

Create diagnostics plots for linear regression

stopauthor: yeukyul

stoptags: visualization,general,diagnostics,regression

stopjs libraries:

gghalves Star

gghalves adds half-geoms to ggplot2.

stopauthor: erocoar

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggrastr Star

Rasterize only specific layers of your plot

stopauthor: vpetukhov

stoptags: visualization,raster

stopjs libraries:

ggpointdensity Star

Introduces geom_pointdensity(): A cross between a scatter plot and a 2D density plot.

stopauthor: LKremer

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggsom Star

The aim of this package is to offer more variability of graphics based on the self-organizing maps.

stopauthor: oldlipe

stoptags: visualization,SOM,multi-dimensional,parallel-coordinates

stopjs libraries:

ggnewscale Star

Use multiple fill and colour scales in ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: eliocamp

stoptags: visualization,general,scales

stopjs libraries:

ggh4x Star

Options for tailored facets, multiple colourscales and miscellaneous

stopauthor: teunbrand

stoptags: visualization,general,scales,facets

stopjs libraries:

ggarrow Star

Arrow geoms and arrow theme element with customisation options

stopauthor: teunbrand

stoptags: visualization, arrows, lines

stopjs libraries:

ggcharts Star

Shorten the distance from data visualization idea to actual plot

stopauthor: thomas-neitmann

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

humapr Star

Visualise topographic human data with choropleths

stopauthor: benskov

stoptags: visualization,general,tabulation,choropleth

stopjs libraries:

ggshadow Star

Draw a shadow below lines to make busy plots more aesthetically pleasing

stopauthor: marcmenem

stoptags: visualization,general

stopjs libraries:

ggseg Star

Draw polygons of brain atlas segmentations

stopauthor: Athanasiamo

stoptags: visualization,brain imaging

stopjs libraries:

mdthemes Star

‘ggplot2’ themes that render text as markdown/HTML

stopauthor: thomas-neitmann

stoptags: visualization,themes

stopjs libraries:

ggwordcloud Star

A word cloud text geom for ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: lepennec

stoptags: visualization,text

stopjs libraries:

ggasym Star

Asymmetric matrix plotting with multiple scales.

stopauthor: jhrcook

stoptags: visualization,multi-dimensional,matrix,scales

stopjs libraries:

gglorenz Star

Plotting Lorenz curves with the blessing of ggplot2.

stopauthor: jjchern

stoptags: visualization,general,statistics

stopjs libraries:

hrbrthemes Star

A compilation of extra {ggplot2} themes, scales and utilities, including a spell check function for plot label fields and an overall emphasis on typography.

stopauthor: hrbrmstr

stoptags: theme,typography

stopjs libraries:

ggpattern Star

Pattern fills for ggplot2 geoms.

stopauthor: coolbutuseless

stoptags: visualization,pattern

stopjs libraries:

ggtext Star

Improved text rendering support for ggplot2

stopauthor: Claus Wilke

stoptags: general,theme,typography

stopjs libraries:

calendR Star

Ready to Print Monthly and Yearly Calendars

stopauthor: R-CoderDotCom

stoptags: visualization, calendar, time-series

stopjs libraries:

ggip Star

Data visualization of IP addresses and networks

stopauthor: davidchall

stoptags: visualization, cyber, space-filling curves

stopjs libraries:

gglm Star

Grammar of Graphics for linear model diagnostic plots.

stopauthor: graysonwhite

stoptags: visualization,modeling,diagnostic

stopjs libraries:

econocharts Star

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Charts

stopauthor: R-CoderDotCom

stoptags: economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics

stopjs libraries:

ComplexUpset Star

Visualize set intersections and add ggplot2 annotations

stopauthor: krassowski

stoptags: visualization,venn,set,intersections,venn-diagram,upset

stopjs libraries:

ggchromatic Star

Colourspace Scales for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: teunbrand

stoptags: visualization,scales

stopjs libraries:

ggheatmap Star

ggplot2 version of heatmap

stopauthor: XiaoLuo-boy

stoptags: visualization, heatmap

stopjs libraries:

see Star

Visualisation Toolbox for ‘easystats’ and Extra Geoms, Themes and Color Palettes for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: easystats

stoptags: visualizations,statistics

stopjs libraries:

directlabels Star

Framework for adding direct labels to lattice or ggplot2 plots.

stopauthor: tdhock

stoptags: visualization, direct-labels, positioning, general, plot-labelling

stopjs libraries:

ggHoriPlot Star

Horizon Plots for ggplot2

stopauthor: rivasiker

stoptags: visualization,general,horizon-plot,time-series

stopjs libraries:

ggtrace Star

Outline groups of data points using ggplot2

stopauthor: sheridar

stoptags: visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggESDA Star

Exploratory Symbolic Data Analysis with ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: kiangkiangkiang

stoptags: visualization,symbolic data,interval-valued data

stopjs libraries:

geomtextpath Star

Create curved text and directly label lines in ggplot

stopauthor: AllanCameron

stoptags: typography,plot-labelling,visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggdensity Star

Interpretable bivariate density visualization with highest density regions

stopauthor: jamesotto852

stoptags: visualization,density-estimation

stopjs libraries:

ggtranscript Star

Visualizing transcript structure and annotation using ggplot2

stopauthor: dzhang32

stoptags: visualization,genetics,genomics,transcripts,annotation

stopjs libraries:

piecepackr Star

Board game graphics

stopauthor: trevorld

stoptags: board games, geoms

stopjs libraries:

oblicubes Star

3D Rendering Using Obliquely Projected Cubes and Cuboids

stopauthor: trevorld

stoptags: visualization, geoms

stopjs libraries:

ggDoubleHeat Star

A heatmap-like visualization tool

stopauthor: PursuitOfDataScience

stoptags: visualization, geoms

stopjs libraries:

nflplotR Star

‘nflplotR’ provides a set of functions to visualize National Football League analysis in ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: mrcaseb

stoptags: general,scales,geoms,images,theme,elements

stopjs libraries:

ggbraid Star

Braid ribbons in ggplot2.

stopauthor: nsgrantham

stoptags: visualization,general,geoms

stopjs libraries:

ggblanket Star

Simplify ggplot2 visualisation

stopauthor: davidhodge931

stoptags: visualization

stopjs libraries:

ggpie Star

Create pie and donut plot using ggplot2.

stopauthor: showteeth

stoptags: visualization,general,pie,donut,rose pie

stopjs libraries:

ggstar Star

Multiple Geometric Shape Point Layer for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: xiangpin

stoptags: visualization, different shape points

stopjs libraries:

ggarchery Star

Flexible segment geoms with arrows for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: mdhall272

stoptags: visualization, arrows

stopjs libraries:

tidyterra Star

‘ggplot2’ geoms for ‘terra’ rasters and vectors

stopauthor: dieghernan

stoptags: visualization, raster, spatial

stopjs libraries:

ggseqplot Star

‘ggseqplot’ renders sequence plots using ggplot2.

stopauthor: maraab23

stoptags: visualization,sequence analysis

stopjs libraries:

ggsurvfit Star

Flexible Time-to-Event Figures

stopauthor: ddsjoberg

stoptags: visualization,survival,statistics

stopjs libraries:

ggsector Star

Create sector plots using ggplot2.

stopauthor: yanpd01

stoptags: visualization, geoms, sector, fan

stopjs libraries:

ggterror Star

Create T-errorbars like in THAT paper

stopauthor: mivalek

stoptags: visualization, geoms

stopjs libraries:

ggragged Star

Facets for panel layouts with ragged edges

stopauthor: mikmart

stoptags: facets

stopjs libraries:

ggmapinset Star

Add zoomed inset panels to your ggplot maps

stopauthor: arcresu

stoptags: visualization,spatial

stopjs libraries:

ggmagnify Star

Create a magnified inset of part of a ggplot object.

stopauthor: hughjonesd

stoptags: visualization,geoms,inset,zoom,magnification

stopjs libraries:

ggblend Star

Algebra of operations for blending, copying, adjusting, transforming, and compositing ggplot2 layers.

stopauthor: mjskay

stoptags: visualization,blending,affine transformation,layer algebra,compositing

stopjs libraries:

ggflowchart Star

Create flowcharts using ggplot2.

stopauthor: nrennie

stoptags: visualization,flowchart,network,diagram

stopjs libraries:

ggrain Star

Raincloud geom for ‘ggplot2’

stopauthor: njudd

stoptags: visualization, general

stopjs libraries:

ggoutlierscatterplot Star

Visualize multidimensional outlier detection algorithms

stopauthor: lukastay

stoptags: visualization,outlier,outliers,scatterplot,algorithms,algorithm,regression

stopjs libraries:

ggautothemes Star

Quickly see how different themes will look on your ggplot visual.

stopauthor: lukastay

stoptags: visualization,theme,themeing,color,fill,hue,ggthemes

stopjs libraries:

AMR Star

Plotting AMR results for SIR categories, MIC values, and disk diffusion diameters

stopauthor: msberends

stoptags: visualization,epidemiology,color,fill

stopjs libraries:

ichimoku Star

Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies

stopauthor: shikokuchuo

stoptags: visualization,time-series,finance,trading,candlestick

stopjs libraries:

eheat Star

Extended ComplexHeatmap with ggplot2

stopauthor: Yunuuuu

stoptags: visualization,heatmap

stopjs libraries:

ggstats Star

Forest plots of model coefficients, Likert plots and custom proportions

stopauthor: larmarange

stoptags: visualization,p-values,forest plot,geoms,positions,statistics,Likert

stopjs libraries:

ggfoundry Star

Shape Foundry & Geom for ‘ggplot2’.

stopauthor: cgoo4

stoptags: visualization,geoms,color,fill,shapes

stopjs libraries:

ggheat Star

Create Complex Heatmap Using the Grammar of Graphics

stopauthor: Yunuuuu

stoptags: visualization,heatmap

stopjs libraries: